About Me

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Kent, WA, United States
I am a 26 Year old wife and mother. I have been married to my husband for 6 years and we have 2 lovely daughters together. Currently I am a stay-at-home parent trying to improve my homemakeing skills.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My First Morning of Routine

Good Morning Readers!!!!
I would like to start off by saying that almost immediately after yesterday’s blog post I was already energized and ready to start this new routine. Maybe this accountability thing is what I have needed all along. I found myself cleaning the area around my computer. I actually cleaned up all the empty soda bottles and cans, threw away the garbage on the desk (and under it), put all the plates, bowls, glasses and silverware in the sink and vacuumed. I know right?! I can’t believe that as I type this I can actually see the desk and put my feet on the floor without stepping on anything! I just hope the excitement doesn’t wear off too soon….
Now onto the reason for today’s blog; how did my first morning go?
Morning one of week one has gone better than I expected. I actually look forward to getting up alone again tomorrow morning. This time to myself has been very relaxing and I can't think of a better way to start my day than with some rare peace and quiet.
Last night, I set my alarm for 6am (@ 1:30am), cleared some space in the living room for my workout and went to bed. When my alarm went off today I only hit the snooze button once. Even though I was dying to turn it off and stay in bed I didn’t. I used a little self-control and actually got up at 6:15am. The first thing I did was put a load of cloths in the washer. If I didn’t do this first I probably wouldn’t do it at all. Then I got my coffee, filled up my water bottle and turned on the news. Which I found to be a little boring since its Sunday and the Today show isn’t on. So I decided it was time for my workout. We have kinect for xbox 360 and I like Your Shape Fitness Evolved. I just recently downloaded an update called bolly-dancing and decided to try that out today. Now as I sit here telling you all about my morning...my arms hurt. At least its for a good reason.
The next step on my morning routine is to shower and get dressed, then wake up the girls and make breakfast. I am going to make some corned beef hash and eggs for everyone (today is Sunday) and then while they are eating I will make my way to the shower. Gotta love the weekends when my husband is home in the mornings. I already feel like today to going to be an awesome day! I might even feel a little inspired to do more cleaning than I had planned.

1 comment:

  1. good luck i hope it works for you i am behind you a 100% and guess what i get to make for breakfast? you got it corned beef hash


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